Information for authors

Scientific Bulletin of the International Humanities University.
Jurisprudence Series No. 73 for 2025


The set of scientific articles is published to the number 73 of the professional scientific journal «Scientific Bulletin of the International Humanities University. Jurisprudence Series».

The set runs through February 28, 2025.

Scientific Bulletin of the International Humanities University. The series "Jurisprudence" is included in the List of Scientific Professional Editions of Ukraine in accordance with the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine No. 1188 dated September 24, 2020 (Category B) on the specialities D8 Law, D9 International law

The editorial staff receives and registers DOI for articles.


The Editorial Board guarantees high-quality anonymous peer-review of articles and their check for plagiarism using the software developed by the Polish company


  1. Theory and History of State and Law; philosophy of law;
  2. Constitutional and municipal law;
  3. Administrative, financial, tax law;
  4. Civil and commercial law and process;
  5. Labor Law; Social Security Law;
  6. Land, agrarian, environmental, environmental law;
  7. Criminal law, criminology, criminal law;
  8. Criminal process, forensics, search operations;
  9. International Law and Comparative Law;
  10. Organization of judicial and law enforcement agencies.


  • When submitting articles, please comply with applicable standards for printed works and requirements of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.
  • Students do not accept articles from students, even if they are co-authored with a scientific advisor.
  • Articles are submitted in Ukrainian or English. The total volume of the article is 12-20 pages. Font: Times New Roman; skittles 14, interval - 1.5.
  • At the beginning of the article it is obligatory to state the UDC, the number and title of the heading (for example, 2. Constitutional and municipal law), the author's information (name, position, place of work) and the title of the article.
  • The list of used literature sources should be given at the end of the article in the order in which the corresponding references appear. The list of references should follow the requirements of the National Standard of Ukraine DSTU 8302: 2015, developed in 2015, «Information and documentation. Bibliographic reference. General Terms and Conditions of Assembly».
  • In the text of the article, references to the sources used should be indicated by the ordinal number, separated by two square brackets, according to the list of sources (position of the cited publication in the list of references, page). The list of used literature is made under the name "Bibliography:"
  • After the list of used literature annotations are available in two languages (Ukrainian, English). The abstract should contain: surname, initials of the author, title of the article, a concise statement of the content of the article with a minimum volume of 300 words, keywords (up to ten individual words or phrases).


Criminal law, criminology, criminal law

UDC 343.2

Shevchuk O. R.,
Candidate of Juridical Sciences, Associate Professor,
Associate Professor at the Department of International and Criminal Justice
National University "Odesa Law Academy"

Penal substitution as a means of compliance and protection rights and freedoms of persons
sentenced to life imprisonment in Ukraine

Summary.The article is devoted to the study of the criminal legal problems of replacing life imprisonment with imprisonment. It is emphasized that ... (мінімальний обсяг – 300 слів).
Keywords: punishment; life imprisonment; imprisonment; ...

Formulation of the problem. The trend of development of the modern state is to create optimal conditions for realizing human rights, freedoms, and legitimate interests.
Analysis of research problem. The theoretical basis of our study were the works of famous scientists. Among the well-known scholars who studied…
The purpose of the article – …
Presenting main material. At the current stage of state formation, Ukraine ranks almost first among European countries in terms of the number of "lifers". The institution of life imprisonment is an integral element of a logically constructed system of criminal punishments, which gives the court the opportunity, when applying the punishment, to carry out its individualization, taking into account the degree of severity of the committed criminal offense, the identity of the culprit and the circumstances that mitigate or aggravate responsibility.

Conclusions. In order to determine the specific term of imprisonment when the punishment is replaced by life imprisonment, the courts need certain guidelines, the role of which could be fulfilled by formalized criteria for assessing the degree of correction of the person, since it is the behavior of the person that is the decisive factor in the formation of both positive and negative attitudes of the person. In this regard, the development of ...

Шевчук О. Заміна покарання як спосіб дотримання та захисту прав і свобод осіб, засуджених до довічного позбавлення волі в Україні
Стаття присвячена дослідженню кримінально-правових проблем заміни довічного позбавлення волі на покарання у виді позбавлення волі. Наголошено, що ... (мінімальний обсяг – 300 слів).
Ключові слова
: покарання; довічне позбавлення волі; позбавлення волі; …


  1. Тишківський Ю. Пом’якшення покарання у вигляді довічного позбавлення волі: що пропонують законодавці. Юридична Газета. 2021.17 березня. URL: (дата звернення 01.12.2022).
  2. Бурда С.Я. Покарання у виді довічного позбавлення волі за КК України як альтернатива смертної кари. Науковий вісник Львівського державного університету внутрішніх справ. № 4. 2013. С. 207-215.
  3. Правовий вплив на неправомірну поведінку: актуальні грані : монографія / за ред. проф. О.В. Козаченка, проф. Є.Л. Стрельцова. Миколаїв : Іліон, 2016. 768 с.



To publish an article in issue № 73 by February 28, 2025 (inclusive)

to the email editors

( Этот адрес электронной почты защищен от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра. ) must be sent:

  • a scientific article, necessarily compiled in accordance with the specified requirements;
  • to fill in the site information about the author;
  • a scanned payment confirmation of the cost of publishing the article.

Example of registration of the name of electronic files: Shevchuk O.R._article, Shevchuk O.R._payment



It is prohibited citing and including in the reference list russian-language contributions published in any country, incl. papers written in other languages but published in russia and belarus. 


Amounts to cover the costs of publishing articles in the International Journal of the Humanities Science Bulletin. The series "Jurisprudence" is 1400 UAH. for one article up to 12 pages, in case of exceeding 12 pages. 50 UAH is additionally paid. for each additional page of the article. The publication fee covers expenses associated with reviewing, article proofreading and editing, journal mocking-up and publication of its electronic version.

The editorial staff conducts an anonymous peer review of articles and checks for plagiarism, after which the authors receive the requisites for payment of the publication fee. 

Journal electronic version will be available on the website on April 30, 2025.
If desired, an author can order a printed copy of the journal. The cost of a printed copy is UAH 800, which is paid in addition to the publication fee.
Authors who ordered a printed copy will receive it before May 30, 2025.


You can get more information about publishing articles by phone: +38 098 98 50 158.



Editorial board of the journal «Scientific Bulletin of the International Humanities University.
Series: Jurisprudence»

International Humanities University
Our address: Fountain Road, 33, 402, Odesa, 65009, Ukraine
Phone: +38 098 98 50 158 (8:00 - 17:00)
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